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Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Concentration in ASTL: Diversity and Exceptionality in PK–12 Schools

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Mason’s Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning (ASTL) diversity and exceptionality in PK–12 schools concentration joins graduate courses in special education, gifted education, and additional language learning.

This concentration is designed for general education teachers who seek to enhance their professional knowledge and skills in relation to students with disabilities, students who demonstrate advanced capabilities in various domains, and English learners.

What are the Benefits of this Concentration?

Classrooms are locations of great diversity in terms of student abilities, perspectives, languages, cultural identifications, and creativities (among many others). Understanding how to recognize and build on the strengths and opportunities present in today’s classrooms is paramount. The ASTL concentration in diversity and exceptionality in PK–12 schools focuses on three of these opportunities present in almost every classroom by aiding teachers in strengthening their knowledge, understandings, and skills around students with dis/abilities, gifted students, and English learners (as well as those who represent two or more of these distinctions). The concentration provides teachers the opportunity to examine their schools and classrooms as sites of diverse and exceptional learning to ensure stronger educational experiences for all students in the general education setting.

Where Will This Concentration Take You?

  • The broad, research-based knowledge students acquire through the concentration positions them to become leaders in instruction development for all students.
  • Graduates grow their careers with the advantages of a master’s degree, including the possibility of increased pay and opportunities to be curriculum leaders at their schools.
  • Aligned with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the courses help teachers think and practice with the same level of reflection and skill as Board-certified educators (a great next step after graduating!).

Who Should Apply?

This is an advanced program for educators who have already begun their teaching careers and who can draw on their classrooms as spaces for inquiry. The program is for teachers who are in their first years, middle years, or later career years. Educators will strengthen their pedagogical practices and reflective thinking skills to improve student engagement and learning for all students. The diversity and exceptionality concentration is especially suited for general education teachers whose classrooms are diverse learning spaces. This is not an initial licensure program.

Can I Use Graduate Credits from Other Universities to Reduce my Course Load?

Possibly! The program allows up to 12 graduate credits to be transferred from another accredited institution of higher education. Consultation with an ASTL advisor is necessary to determine if and what courses may be acceptable to a specific concentration. Substitutions cannot be made for the five core courses of the ASTL program (EDUC 612, EDUC 613, EDUC 614, EDUC 606, EDUC 615). Courses that are older than ten years or courses in which a grade lower than a B- was earned will not be accepted for transfer, even if the courses were taken at Mason.