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Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 6-12


Engages teacher candidates in direct teaching in early childhood special education contexts. Emphasizes responsibility for planning, instruction, assessment, and student supervision. Provides candidates with opportunities to use their knowledge of curriculum, children’s development, and formative and summative assessment that respects the diversity of young children and their families. Enables candidates to implement individualized education programs and/or individualized family service plans. Offered by School of Education. May be repeated within the degree for a maximum 12 credits.
Recommended Prerequisite: ECED 401, ECED 402, ECED 403, ECED 404, ECED 405, ECED 411 Student must have earned a C or better in all licensure coursework completed at the undergraduate level or a B or better in all licensure coursework completed at the graduate level.
Recommended Corequisite: ECED 491 Seminar in Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment is limited to students with a major, minor, or concentration in Early Childhood Spec Ed Licens, Early Chld Sp Ed E/P Ed Licl, Early/Primary Educ PK-3 Lic, Early Childhood Ed-PK3 or Early Childhood Special Educ.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bach of Science in Education or Post-Baccalaureate Certificate degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the Education Human Development college.

Schedule Type: Student Teaching
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.