EDEP 694: Practicum in Educational Psychology
Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog (New Window)
General Information
Credits: 1-3
Provides a paid or voluntary supervised professional experience in an approved professional setting under the supervision of a practicum University Supervisor and Site Supervisor. Requires 33 1/3 on-site work hours per credit hour completed over the course of the semester. Offered by School of Education. May be repeated within the degree for a maximum 6 credits.
Recommended Prerequisite: EDRS 620, EDRS 621, EDRS 622 and at least 3 credits of concentration coursework
Recommended Corequisite: EDRS 620, EDRS 621, or EDRS 622
Registration Restrictions:
Required Prerequisites: (EDRS 590B-, EDEP 602B- and 603B-).
B- Requires minimum grade of B-.
Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.
Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.
Schedule Type: Internship
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.
Current Sections
- Spring 2025, Section: 601, CRN 20772, Format: Hybrid, Instructor: Roberto Pamas