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EDSE 842: Application of Research Standards for Individuals with Disabilities

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Provides knowledge and skills in the application of research standards across different methods for conducting survey research, single-subject, experimental and correlational research, mixed methods, and qualitative research. Emphasizes application to disability-related research across different contexts. Offered by School of Education. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Education.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Schedule Type: Seminar
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

Current Sections

This course is not offered this semester.

Prior Sections (partial list)
  • Fall 2024, Section: 002, CRN 82981, Format: Hybrid, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Fall 2023, Section: 001, CRN 82807, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2021, Section: 001, CRN 20870, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2019, Section: 001, CRN 14563, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Peggy King-Sears
  • Spring 2018, Section: 001, CRN 16700, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Peggy King-Sears
  • Spring 2017, Section: DL1, CRN 23066, Format: Online, Instructor: Anya Evmenova
  • Spring 2016, Section: 001, CRN 10465, Instructor: Anya Evmenova
  • Spring 2015, Section: 001, CRN 10538, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2014, Section: 001, CRN 10616, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2013, Section: 001, CRN 10710, Instructor: Anya Evmenova
  • Spring 2012, Section: 001, CRN 10781, Instructor: Thomas Scruggs
  • Spring 2011, Section: 001, CRN 10938, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2011, Section: 657, CRN 20502, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2010, Section: 001, CRN 11421, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2010, Section: 657, CRN 20762, Instructor: Kelley Regan
  • Spring 2009, Section: 001, CRN 11514, Instructor: Thomas Scruggs