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Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development and International Education

Welcome to the Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development and International Education (APTDIE). Our division comprises four major programs and three centers. Our programs include: Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning (ASTL); Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse & Exceptional Learners (TCLDEL) — ESOL Education and Foreign Language Education; and Mathematics Specialist Leadership. Our programs offer a variety of degree, certificate, and endorsement options for educators.

The three centers associated with our division include: the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology (COMPLETE), Global Online Teacher Education Center (GOTEC), and the Mathematics Education Center (MEC). Our centers lead major initiatives in their respective disciplines, are awarded externally funded research and development grants, and offer field-based professional development opportunities.

We are committed to the ongoing professional development of teachers, teacher leaders, and teacher educators within Virginia and around the world through the development of innovative programs, international partnerships, and authentic engagement in the world of teaching and learning. Our division exemplifies the core values of the college through our research and course offerings including a focus on social justice, ethical leadership, innovation, research-based practices, and collaboration. In fact, the work of our division embodies CEHD’s core values through its “Six Pillars” that represent all programs and centers across the unit.

Our faculty and staff are leaders in their fields of advanced professional development and international education. I invite you to explore the opportunities for engaged, exciting, and innovative learning within our division!

  • Administrative Coordinator:
  • Coordinator of Student Services:
  • Administrative Support Manager:
  • Financial Services Specialist:
  • Academic Program Coordinators

    Center Directors