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The graduate certificate in education policy is designed to meet the needs of students with an interest in improving educational opportunities and outcomes through federal, state, and local policy.

Our 15-credit program teaches students how decisions are made at various levels of government, how decision makers use evidence, and how to influence the decision-making process. It examines pressing challenges facing our education system and prepares students to effectively engage with policymakers and stakeholders to help shape and influence education policy.

More About This Program

Whether interested in pursuing a career in government, the education sector, think tanks, or nonprofit organizations, the education policy graduate certificate is meant to set students on the path to impacting education policy. Students who complete this certificate will learn to:

  • examine, discuss, and address education policy challenges confronting policymakers today;
  • navigate the public education policy process in federal, state, and local settings;
  • identify and apply relevant research to inform and impact education policy;
  • facilitate collaboration across sectors in improving public education outcomes;
  • engage with policymakers and stakeholders to help shape and influence education policy.

Classes are held in the evenings at Mason's Arlington Campus.