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Testing Requirements for Teacher Preparation Programs

New Licensure Assessments Effective 7/1/23 and 1/1/24

New licensure assessments for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics went into effect on July 1, 2023. New licensure assessment for Earth Science went into effect January 1, 2024. The new test codes and passing scores are below. For questions about the assessment you are required to take, please reach out to your academic advisor or

For the latest licensure assessment requirements for your endorsement area, please visit VDOE’s Website.

Old Assessment New Assessment New Passing Score
Biology: Content Knowledge 5235 Praxis Biology 5236 154
Chemistry: Content Knowledge 5245 Praxis Chemistry 5246 146
Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge 5571 Praxis Earth and Space Sciences 5572 154
Physics: Content Knowledge 5265 Praxis Physics 5266 145

*Students must request that official test score reports be sent directly to George Mason University, CEHD Office of Teacher Preparation, 4400 University Dr., MS: 6C13, Fairfax, VA 22030. All required assessments should be completed at least six weeks prior to the internship application deadline to allow time for submission and processing of scores.

In addition to sending official score reports to CEHD Office of Teacher Preparation, please ensure that you either request an official score report for your own records or save the PDF score report available to you after taking the assessment. As required by the Virginia Department of Education, students MUST submit photocopies or original test score reports when applying for licensure. The Licensure Coordinator cannot obtain these scores from ANY George Mason records.

Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA)

The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) must be passed prior to internship application submission for all initial teacher licensure programs. A composite score of at least 470 must be achieved to meet the VCLA requirement.

Praxis Subject Assessments (formerly Praxis II)

Praxis Subject Assessments tests must be passed prior to internship application submission for most initial licensure programs. Visit the ETS Praxis website for a listing of prescribed Praxis Subject Assessments for applicable endorsement areas (Elementary Education, Biology, English, Visual Arts, etc…). Praxis workshops are available at George Mason.

Teaching Reading: Elementary

Note: Effective September 1, 2022 the Reading Exam for Elementary and Special Education will be Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205). The passing score for this assessment is 159. If you took Praxis Reading Elementary: RVE (5306) while it was the effective test, you will not have to take the new exam.

The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) assessment is only required for students enrolled in one of the following state-approved initial licensure programs: Early Childhood PreK-3, Elementary Education PreK-6, Special Education-General Curriculum, and Special Education-Visual Impairments. Students must achieve a test score of at least 159 to meet this requirement. Please check with you program advisor for information on when the test must be passed for your specific program.

Reading Specialist Reading for Virginia Educators

Note: Effective September 1, 2022 the Reading Exam Reading Specialist will be Praxis Reading Specialist RVE (5302). The passing score for this assessment is 162. If you took Praxis Reading Specialist: RVE (5304) while it was the effective test, you will not have to take the new exam.

The Reading Specialist assessment is only required for students enrolled in one of our state-approved Reading Specialist programs. This exam must be passed prior to the last session of the EDRD 635 course. Students must achieve a test score of at least 162 to meet the RVE: Reading Specialist requirement.

School Leaders Licensure Assessment

The School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) in only required for students enrolled in one of our state-approved Administration and Supervision (Education Leadership) programs. Students must pass the SLLA to receive a Satisfactory passing grade for EDLE 791: Internship in Educational Leadership. Visit the ETS School Leadership Series website for more information.

Effective January 1, 2020, the SLLA (6990) is required for individuals seeking an Administration and Supervision preK-12 endorsement. Score reports for individuals who took the SLLA (6011) prior to 1/1/2020 will be accepted provided the candidate met the passing score effective at the time the test was taken. Students must achieve a test score of at least 146 to meet this requirement.

Additional Resources:

Testing Requirements Chart





Art X X
Early Childhood Special Education X
Elementary Education X X X
Early Childhood Education - EPK3 X X X
English as a Second Language X* X
Foreign Language X** X
Health/Physical Education X X
Music X X
Secondary Education X X
Special Education - General Curriculum X X
Special Education - Adapted Curriculum X
Special Education - Visual Impairments X* X X
Theater Arts X

*Testing may be completed per program guidelines. See program for details.

**Students in Spanish, French, or German licensure programs must take the Praxis Subject Area Assessment (formerly called Praxis II) in their target language.