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Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Concentration in English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Education (PK–12 Licensure)

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Becoming an English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teacher leads to a rewarding career in which you will guide PK-12 bi-multilingual children to expand their language and literacy strengths for academic success across grade levels and content areas.

You will learn current, asset-based approaches for instruction and assessment with bi-multilingual children.

The English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Education PK-12 Licensure concentration prepares new educators to apply for licensure (Virginia). This program will appeal to those who would like to be ESOL teachers as well as to working Instructional Assistants who wish to prepare for initial ESOL licensure.

Coursework emphasizes the intersection of culture, language, and identity and its application to teaching culturally and linguistically diverse PK-12 learners. Each course requires fieldwork to provide opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills learned in coursework to teaching and learning with English learners.

Fieldwork Requirement

Most licensure courses require 15 hours of fieldwork for each course. Also, please be sure to visit this page for important information about teacher licensure in Virginia.

George Mason University will verify completion of the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) state-approved preparation program at the graduate or undergraduate level. Such verification does not guarantee the issuance of a Virginia Collegiate Professional, Postgraduate Professional, or Pupil Personnel license from the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is solely the student's responsibility to comply with all requirements for licensure by the Commonwealth. Under Virginia law, a social security number is required for licensure.

This program has been identified by George Mason University as one that may lead to a career requiring professional licensure/certification. Federal regulations require George Mason to disclose information as to whether this program meets/does not meet the educational requirements for licensure/certification in your state, or whether such a determination has not been made. Please consult our Licensure Disclosure Tool (New Window) for the disclosure statement specific to your desired state/program combination.