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Grant-Funded Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA) and Grant-Funded Wage Positions

PhD students are eligible to be hired to work on projects funded by agencies outside of the University (e.g., U.S. Department of Education). Job descriptions will vary based on the nature of the project and hiring parameters from the funding agency.

GRA: GRA positions pay a stipend and tuition benefits. Students selected for a 10-hour per week GRA must be enrolled in at least 9 credits per semester, and students selected for a 20-hour per week GRA must be enrolled in at least 6 credits per semester. Compensation rates vary by funding source. Some positions are multi-year.

Wage: Wage positions pay an hourly rate only. Some grants have restrictions for hiring based on degree-seeking status and the number of credit hours taken each semester; any enrollment restrictions are noted in the advertisement below. Compensation rates vary by funding source. Time commitment and duration can also vary. There are university restrictions for the number of hours across all positions.

Please note: The project start and end dates are subject to change. Hiring start date cannot be before project start date.

Step 1:

Complete the graduate assistantship application. You cannot be hired for any GRA or wage positions without completing this form and uploading your current vita. (Currently closed)

Step 2:

Review the list of projects with open positions (listed below), including any special requirements and qualifications. Then, contact faculty directly to express your interest in the position.

Grant-Funded Student Positions for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

CAREER: Second Chance STEM: Uncovering School Policies Structuring Access to and Engagement in High School STEM Credit Recovery

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Principal Investigator: Samantha Viano
Project Start Date: 9/15/23
Project End Date: 8/31/28
Faculty Contact: Samantha Viano
Faculty Email:
Position Type: 20 hour/week assistantship
Position Status: Position Open

Special Requirements: • Availability during the school day (i.e., weekdays 8am-3pm) in the 24-25 academic year as well as potentially Summer 2024 and Summer 2025 and a flexible schedule for collecting data.
• Access to a vehicle and a valid driver's license.
• Availability for a full-time GRA for 24-25 academic year and Summer 2025. Note this position has potential for full-time academic year and summer funding through 2028.

Job Description:

Dr. Samantha Viano, an assistant professor in the Education Leadership and Policy division, is recruiting two, full-time, 20-hour a week, GRAs for the 24-25 academic year for a project funded by the National Science Foundation. You can find more information on the project, titled “CAREER: Second Chance STEM: Uncovering school policies structuring access to and engagement in high school STEM credit recovery” at this link:

The GRAs will assist with qualitative data collection in the 24-25 academic year. The qualitative data collection will occur in-person in high schools in Northern Virginia. Access to a car is required, and mileage will be reimbursed. This project will include significant publication opportunities (if desired) along with mixed methods data analysis occurring in the second year. The GRA will be a 20-hour a week appointment during the academic year and the summer, including tuition and health insurance. The project also budgets for conference travel for the GRA to present findings. This project will include opportunities for qualitative, mixed methods, and quantitative analysis, and involvement in analysis will depend on GRA interest and expertise. The GRA positions are renewable up until the 2027-28 AY.

Required qualifications:

  • Availability during the school day (i.e., weekdays 8am-3pm) in the 24-25 academic year and a flexible schedule for collecting data.
  • Access to a vehicle in the 24-25 academic year.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience working in a school.
  • Experience with qualitative data collection and/or analysis.
  • Interest in the topic (online learning, school leadership, educational policy, etc.)


More than Just Safety: School Security Measures and Academic, Behavioral and Social Outcomes

Funding Agency: Florida State University
Principal Investigator: Samantha Viano
Project Start Date: 7/1/22
Project End Date: 6/30/25
Faculty Contact: Samantha Viano
Faculty Email:
Position Type:
Position Status: Position Filled

Special Requirements: • Availability during the school day (i.e., weekdays 8am-3pm) in the 23-24 academic year and a flexible schedule for collecting data. (Note that scheduling during the 24-25 academic year will be more flexible although 20 hours of work a week will be expected.)
• Access to a vehicle in the 23-24 academic year.
• Availability for a full-time GRA for 23-24 and 24-25 academic years.

Job Description:

Dr. Samantha Viano, an assistant professor in the Education Leadership and Policy division, is recruiting a full-time, 20-hour a week, GRA for the 23-24 and 24-25 academic years for a project funded by the Institute of Education Sciences in the US Department of Education. You can find more information on the project, titled “More Than Just Safety: School Security Measures and Academic, Behavioral, and Social Outcomes” at this link: Note that the GRA will assist primarily with the case study aspect of the project.

The GRA will assist with qualitative data collection in the 23-24 academic year and with mixed methods data analysis in the 24-25 academic year. The qualitative data collection will occur in-person in high schools in Northern Virginia. Access to a car is required, and mileage will be reimbursed. This project will include significant publication opportunities (if desired) along with the data analysis occurring in the second year. The GRA will be a 20-hour a week appointment including tuition and health insurance. The project also budgets for conference travel for the GRA in Year 2 to present findings.

Required qualifications:

  • Availability during the school day (i.e., weekdays 8am-3pm) in the 23-24 academic year and a flexible schedule for collecting data. (Note that scheduling during the 24-25 academic year will be more flexible although 20 hours of work a week will be expected.)
  • Access to a vehicle in the 23-24 academic year.
  • Availability for a full-time GRA for 23-24 and 24-25 academic years.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience working in a school.
  • Experience with qualitative data collection and/or analysis.
  • Interest in the topic (school security, school climate, etc.)