Special Education (EDSE)
Special Education (EDSE) Courses
- EDSE 114: Elementary American Sign Language (ASL) I (4 credits)
- EDSE 115: American Sign Language (ASL) I (4 credits)
- EDSE 116: American Sign Language (ASL) II (4 credits)
- EDSE 201: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
- EDSE 203: Disability in American Culture (3 credits)
- EDSE 204: Disability in Global Contexts (3 credits)
- EDSE 219: American Sign Language (ASL) III (4 credits)
- EDSE 230: Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (3 credits)
- EDSE 241: Characteristics of Students with Disabilities who Access the General Curriculum (3 credits)
- EDSE 251: Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- EDSE 311: Characteristics of Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 315: American Sign Language (ASL) IV (4 credits)
- EDSE 316: American Sign Language (ASL) V (3 credits)
- EDSE 341: Language Acquisition and Reading and Writing Development (3 credits)
- EDSE 351: Technology Integration for Specialized Instruction (3 credits)
- EDSE 352: Assessment (3 credits)
- EDSE 353: Individualized Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- EDSE 354: Consultation and Collaboration (3 credits)
- EDSE 361: Characteristics of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 362: Communication with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 381: Exploratory Field Experience in Special Education (3 credits)
- EDSE 410: Deaf History (3 credits)
- EDSE 412: Braille Code (3 credits)
- EDSE 413: Medical and Educational Implications of Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 414: Orientation and Mobility for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (2 credits)
- EDSE 417: Teaching Methods for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 418: Curriculum and Assessment of Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 419: Braille Reading and Writing (3 credits)
- EDSE 420: Deaf History and Culture (3 credits)
- EDSE 441: Instructional Strategies for Reading and Writing (3 credits)
- EDSE 443: Instructional Strategies for Math (3 credits)
- EDSE 445: Clinical Practice and Seminar 1: General (3 credits)
- EDSE 446: Clinical Practice and Seminar 2: General (3 credits)
- EDSE 451: Transition and Self-Determination (3 credits)
- EDSE 452: Intersectionality and Disability (3 credits)
- EDSE 463: Curriculum and Methods in Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 465: Clinical Practice and Seminar 1: Adapted (Severe Disabilities) (3 credits)
- EDSE 466: Clinical Practice and Seminar 2: Adapted (Severe Disabilities) (3 credits)
- EDSE 467: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 469: Individualized Supports and Specialized Care of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 481: Internship: Professional Services (12 credits)
- EDSE 482: Internship: General Curriculum (12 credits)
- EDSE 483: Internship: Adapted (Severe Disabilities) (12 credits)
- EDSE 484: Internship: Blindness and Visual Impairments (12 credits)
- EDSE 501: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
- EDSE 502: Classroom Management and Individualized Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- EDSE 503: Language Development and Reading (3 credits)
- EDSE 511: Characteristics of Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 512: Braille Code (3 credits)
- EDSE 513: Medical and Educational Implications of Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 514: Orientation and Mobility for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (2 credits)
- EDSE 517: Computer Applications for Special Populations (3 credits)
- EDSE 518: Curriculum and Assessment of Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 531: Transition and Community-Based Instruction (3 credits)
- EDSE 532: Positive Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- EDSE 533: Assessment and Program Planning for Adapted Curriculum (3 credits)
- EDSE 534: Communication and Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 540: Characteristics of Students with Disabilities who Access the General Curriculum (3 credits)
- EDSE 544: Adapted Instructional Methods and Transition for Secondary Learners (3 credits)
- EDSE 547: Characteristics of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 557: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 562: Foundations of Literacy Development for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 563: Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonology for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 564: Phonics and Word Recognition for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 565: Vocabulary, Text Comprehension & Written Expression for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 567: Practicum for Specialized Reading Instruction for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 590: Special Education Research (3 credits)
- EDSE 597: Special Topics in Education (1-6 credits)
- EDSE 613: Teaching Methods for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments (3 credits)
- EDSE 615: Cortical and Cerebral Visual Impairment (3 credits)
- EDSE 616: Braille Reading and Writing (3 credits)
- EDSE 619: Principles and Procedures of Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
- EDSE 620: Supporting the Behavior and Sensory Needs of Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- EDSE 621: Applied Behavior Analysis: Empirical Bases (3 credits)
- EDSE 622: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues in Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
- EDSE 623: Applied Behavior Analysis: Assessments and Interventions (3 credits)
- EDSE 624: Applied Behavior Analysis: Applications (3 credits)
- EDSE 625: Applied Behavior Analysis: Verbal Behavior (3 credits)
- EDSE 627: Assessment (3 credits)
- EDSE 634: Characteristics of Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- EDSE 635: Interventions for Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- EDSE 636: Supporting Communication and Literacy for Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- EDSE 637: Autism Across the Lifespan: Collaboration with Critical Partners (3 credits)
- EDSE 638: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Issues in Assessment and Intersectionality (3 credits)
- EDSE 641: Instructional Strategies for Reading and Writing (3 credits)
- EDSE 643: Instructional Strategies for Math (3 credits)
- EDSE 661: Curriculum and Methods: Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 662: Consultation and Collaboration (3 credits)
- EDSE 663: Collaborative Teamwork to Support Students with Significant Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 664: Ethical and Professional Conduct for Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
- EDSE 669: Individualized Supports and Specialized Care of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 783: Internship: Special Education in General Curriculum (3-6 credits)
- EDSE 784: Internship: Adapted Curriculum (3-6 credits)
- EDSE 785: Internship: Blindness and Visual Impairments (2-6 credits)
- EDSE 794: Special Topics (1-6 credits)
- EDSE 841: Evaluating Intervention Research (3 credits)
- EDSE 842: Application of Research Standards for Individuals with Disabilities (3 credits)
- EDSE 843: Leading Change in Special Education and Disability Policy (3 credits)
- EDSE 844: Current Issues in Special Education (3 credits)
- EDSE 845: Personnel Preparation Programs in Special Education (3 credits)
- EDSE 846: Assessment, Evaluation, and Instrumentation in Special Education Research (3 credits)
- EDSE 847: Policy-driven Initiatives in Special Education and Disability Research (3 credits)
- EDSE 885: Writing Grants (3 credits)